Public Safety/Court Related Programs
Maryhaven works closely with adult and juvenile court systems to educate and rehabilitate those at risk of or falling prey to addiction.
Please note that our program is currently paused for redevelopment. Please check back as we will add dates and info for 2025 soon!
Underage Drinking Program (UDP)
Young adults under age 21. One-day class. $125
Offered twice each month on select Saturdays.
Note: Classes are live virtual via Zoom to allow for interactive discussion (not in person)
This one-day (live virtual) alcohol and drug education and intervention class strives to reduce or eliminate risky behavior among young adults (18-20). It is designed especially for (but not limited to) those charged with underage alcohol possession, alcohol consumption, open container, false ID, attempt to purchase and misdemeanor marijuana and paraphernalia possession.
UDP, which draws from an International Under 21 prevention curricula, earns referrals from many Ohio municipal, mayor’s courts and probation officers, as well as area colleges and universities.
Juvenile Underage Drinking Program (JUDP)
Ages 12-17. One-day class. $45
Offered twice each month on select Saturdays.
Note: Classes are live virtual via Zoom to allow for interactive discussion (not in person)
This one-day (live virtual) class is designed for youth with alcohol/drug related misdemeanors, school disciplinary offenses or those at risk for alcohol/drug use or abuse.
Students learn current, reality-based alcohol/other drug facts and are challenged to reduce high-risk choices and behaviors while also creating individual success plans. Parents and caregivers also are brought into the process. JUDP draws from the same core international prevention and education curriculum as our successful Underage Drinking Program. Additional services are available as needed.
Check back soon for registration information