(614) 445-8131

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    Maryhaven stands apart as Central Ohio’s #1 nonprofit addiction treatment center (according to Newsweek/Statista and a survey of medical professionals). We are deeply committed to helping every client realize his or her goals for life transformation and we know this demands a board and staff who share unmatched commitment and knowledge about behavioral health and addiction issues.

    This is why our staff of professionals includes a fully licensed team of psychiatrists, physician addiction specialists and nurse practitioners, in addition to psychologists, social workers, and counselors. Meet our President & CEO, Oyauma Garrison.

    Meet our Board of Directors
    Meet our Leadership Team

    Administrative Office:
    4249 Easton Way, Suite 195
    Columbus, OH 43219
    Note: No services are offered at this location, for sites offering services, please visit our Locations tab.